Monday, 20 August 2018

The Big 'O': Part 1 of 3

“People fall in love in mysterious ways"

Now, I know what you’re thinking when you read the title of this blog post. But fortunately, I’m not going to be that crude. At least, not right away.

When I say the big ‘O’, I’m not going to talk about orgasms. No, see, I’m going to talk about a person. I’m jumping straight in with this post because well, why not? I don’t do things by half. Truth be told, I’m skipping out a lot of dates, relationships and stories by doing it this way, but what the hell - not everything in life has an order.

So, here goes…
OK, I can’t be the only one who doesn’t believe in love at first sight? Sure, I love romantic films and love stories as much as the next girl does, though I hate to admit it. But the whole concept of ‘love at first sight’ is never something I’ve truly believed in. It’s always been some kind of bullshit thing to me. That was until recently.

I met ‘O’ and let’s just say, I knew. We met on a whim, or was it? Who knows. But the thing is, we met. We met one Tuesday evening, not even for a date as such. I was fed up of my own company after going through a break up (blog post to come), wanted to get out, ‘O’ lived relatively close, we texted, and so I asked if he wanted to meet up, and he said yes.

Oh, I should probably add the reason that we knew each other/met in the first place was through a dating app called ‘Bumble’, less than 24 hours before. If you don’t know what Bumble is, in a nutshell - it’s a dating app where the girl is forced to make the ‘first move’ and send a message to a guy that they match with. Women have the power. They have 24 hours to talk before the time expires, and you will be unmatched. Me and ‘O’ matched, I sent a message - he replied, and as it was gone midnight, he asked for my number to text me the following day instead. In all honesty? I didn’t expect him to text me, but he did… sometimes 4 times, in a row. The guy wasn’t afraid to triple text, even quadruple text, whereas my last boyfriend couldn’t even manage to send one text a day sometimes, but that’s another story.

After exchanging a few texts the next day, I asked if he wanted to meet, just to go for a walk, or coffee or something. Without going into detail about him, he had a busy day so we had to meet in the evening. Me being me, and expecting absolutely nothing from this meet apart from some company I guess, decided to go with hair that had not been washed for 5 days, which may I add was also shoved up into one high-ass pony tail (gym hair), gym clothes and no make up. Not exactly first date clothing, and certainly not the look I would go for usually when meeting someone for the first time. But like I say, I wasn’t expecting anything. I just went for it.

He was waiting for me, and as I was walking up to the Chinese Arch I could only see the back of him. Tall. Black skinny jeans. A t-shirt. Dirty blonde hair. Just a guy, (or so I thought). Then he turned round… and you know when you meet people in real life from online and they don’t look like their photos? Well he did. He really did. But a million times better. Needless to say I felt like an absolute tramp for turning up and looking the way I did. So anyway, we hugged, said it was nice to ‘meet’ each other and immediately set off for a walk down the Dock area. I live in Liverpool and the Dock area is one of my favourite places.

We headed off and we started talking as if we’d known each other a lot longer than 24 hours, though at this point - it wasn’t even that long. Random questions, silly little stories. The types of things you talk about on a first ‘date’ I guess.

After a while we sat down on a bench, the sun was setting, it was quite warm but it started getting chilly being by the water and all. We just got on. We connected. We clicked, and we had chemistry. It was all there, and it was instant. But best of all? It was natural.

Like me, ’O’ was quite into the gym himself, and he taught me things I didn’t even know! The science behind some performance powders, nerdy things. I was impressed because I would say some gym term like DOMS and he knew exactly what I meant. Maybe even in more depth than I did. I swear I could’ve listened to him talking about the science like that for hours. It was his voice, and the way his eyes lit up with so much passion and enthusiasm. I liked that.

I should probably say by the way that ‘O’ saw this as a ‘date’. Throughout these few hours he kept making digs, “is it a date yet?”, “how about now?”, “this feels like a date, don’t you think?”. The longer I sat with him and the more we talked, it was impossible to deny that it wasn’t a date.

But then came the deal breaker. I asked ‘O’ what he was currently looking for, why he was on Bumble, etc. What he said next hit me harder than I imagine a tonne of bricks would have. He was (is?) moving away, in October. For 2 years. I’m not sure which one of us was more gutted when those words left his mouth. Yet, this wasn’t even a ‘date’ to me really, I barely knew the guy. It was cool, good for him, you know? Except it wasn’t. Sure, I asked all the right questions and was genuinely interested to hear about the move, but I was also deeply, and strangely sad about it.

Not realising the time whatsoever, we called it a night about 9.30pm, only because neither of us had coats and it was much colder than before. We walked back to the original place we met. Hugged, and just stood there for a while before agreeing we’d like to see each other again.

I got back to my place and shook my head. Fucking typical. I met a really, really nice guy but he’s moving to the other side of the world in a few months. Why did this happen?

‘O’ texted and said how nice it was to meet, how he’d a good time, and that it was the best date he’d had, especially when I admitted to him myself that it was a date. He said that he wished he’d have taken a jacket with him earlier because he would still be there with me now. I jokingly said it was his fault we weren’t still there and he should have brought a coat. The next text was something like “I have a jumper now, wanna head back?”. So at midnight, we met again, at the same place.

This time when I saw him in that grey sweatshirt, standing under the street lights… I really was weak at the knees. And you know what people say about someones smile being able to light up a room? Well, his really could. It’s a smile I’ll never forget, and one I can still picture now.

Sitting on another bench looking out across the Docks, something was different. Now, it might have been the fact it was gone midnight so the Dock area was pretty tranquil, or it might have been because we both knew. We both felt something. We talked, we laughed, and we even sat in silence at times. ‘O’ wanted to try my glasses on, I let him. “How much do you fancy me right now?” he said as he turned to look at me. And oh god, did I. He told me to stand up, puzzled, I did. He then told me to sit on his side of the bench, right on the edge. Still puzzled, I did so. “Well move up, I’m 5’11, I need room!”. Next minute his head was on my lap as he lay backwards and looked up at me and the stars. My hands in his ever so soft, almost fluffy hair. It was like nothing I’d experienced before. So simple, but so perfect.

Neither of us really wanted to go, and despite us both having jumpers on, it was even colder than earlier. Plus it was almost 3am. Agreeing to see each other again, we said our goodbyes and goodnights, both stalling a little.

I went to bed that night in awe. Completely and utterly blown away by ‘O’. “Who is this guy?” I kept asking myself. Every single thing about him. Every single thing I learnt in those few hours. He was passionate, caring, polite, funny, honest, vulnerable, brave, dedicated, spontaneous, and a hundred other things. But the best thing? He was just as crazy as I was. He was something else, and that’s the one thing that will sit with me forevermore.

The funny thing is though, he was a posh boy. Privately educated in an all boys school. Not that it matters of course, but that’s not how he came across, and it was so unexpected. Almost like us meeting being unexpected. He was the most real, and for sure the most genuine person I had ever met. Admittedly, as soon I knew about the private school thing, I couldn’t help but take the piss now and then about this ‘poshness’ of his. I mean he was taught bloody Latin and went on boat trips for Gods sake! More banter than anything, and he liked it. He knew how to take it.

I wasn’t sure how to feel or what to think that night when I got into bed. One thing I did know for certain though was that I could not wait to see him again.

To be continued…

PS, this is split into three parts because, well, ‘O’ and I had 3 moments together. I’d find it extremely difficult to write everything in one post, so bare with me.

OH and, let me know if you would like my next post to be Part 2 or something different!



  1. Write more Please! :)

  2. I love the style of your blog! You must’ve employed a super handsome and super talented individual to make it for you ��

    Also this story captures your emotions perfectly🙈👌🏻

  3. I love it! Please write more! I need to know how this ends.

  4. Wow! How amazing is it that you write in the same style as you speak! I can just imagine you telling me that story, but don’t worry you didn’t ‘go on too much’ ☺️ Great work Little ‘C’

    Ps technically you don’t know it is a 3 part story yet...


  5. This is so beautiful. Please don't hold back ever on your blog! I'll come back for all the crude details about the big o soon hopefully ;)

  6. Please post more! I can't wait for the other parts I need to know what happens!

  7. The ex factor has to be clarified and this why believe in detoxing myself. True that!

    Charlotte, great read....just don't hold back.

    In fact, I have written about being consistent in a relationship in here ( that is something very similar. Feel free to read!


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